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Red Kite Special Academy

Learn together, Fly together

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Medication in school

Medication can only be given if:


● it has been prescribed for the named child

● a consent form has been completed by a parent or guardian

● the medication is in its original container with pharmacy instructions attached


(Unnamed or incorrectly labelled medication will not be administered)


Over the counter medication e.g.: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen can now be administered without a prescription label. But must be in a new, unopened and in date bottle.


Due to following NHS guidelines. All medications in liquid form will be returned to you after they have been opened 6 months unless a time scale is stated on the bottle


Medication should be handed to the bus escort/driver, if your child is on transport and not put in the child’s school bag; this in turn will be given to the Medication Officer and locked away for safe keeping. This is to ensure that the children in school do not have access to any form of medication both with regard to their own safety and that of others.


Short courses of medication (for example, antibiotics) can also be given at school, if needed, upon completion of a consent form as above.


Daily medication is administered by the Medication Officer; in their absence this will be given by the Health Care Assistants or other fully trained members of staff. On school trips medication is taken from school for your child and administered as required by trained school staff.
