Curriculum Implementation
Curriculum Implementation
Given the complexities and diversity of our Key Stage 4 and 5 our curriculum offer varies greatly to meet the needs of all learners’ and breadth of their cognitive abilities.
Employment opportunities are tailored to meet the needs of the different pathways. Employment is taught through Enterprise, work experience, preparation for adulthood, PSHE and Options sessions.
Pupils have the opportunity of taking part in work experience, both in house and/or external to Red Kite. In addition to work experience, where suitable, pupils will engage in volunteer work and social action activities throughout their time at Red Kite.
Enterprise is delivered as a discrete subject area through the delivery of the Gatsby Benchmark. Within the Lookout we aim to achieve (where deemed appropriate) all 8 Benchmarks recommended by the Gatsby Foundation, establishing:
- GB1 A stable career plan
- GB2 Learning from careers and labour market information
- GB3 Addressing the needs of each pupil
- GB4 Linking curriculum learning to careers
- GB5 Encounters with employers and employees
- GB6 Experiences of workplaces
- GB7 Encounters with further and higher education
- GB8 Personal guidance
At Red Kite Independent Living Skills Curriculum is taught as part of the Preparation for Adulthood timetable. Independence Skills have been split into the Home, Independence in the Community and Personal Care and these all encourage the development of pupils thinking and problem solving skills including:
Independence in the Home
This aims to offer a wide variety of personal development and vocational taster units. It is designed to be flexible, allowing for individuality when selecting units to suit the needs of the student. It may include the following areas of study:
- Daily living skill activities
- Meal preparation and feeding
- Mobility and transfer
- Toileting
- Housekeeping
- Laundry
- Home safety
- Health and medication management
Independence in the Community
This aims to develop the student’s knowledge and skills to look after themselves and live successfully in the community to the best of their ability. There is also an emphasis on building the student’s confidence and ability to overcome barriers. It may include the following areas of study
- Supported and Independent Public Travel Training
• Household skills such as food safety and storage and basic meal preparation
• Leisure activities such as participation in team activities and exploring music and art
• Personal development such as healthy living, personal awareness and understanding relationships
• Rights and responsibilities such as living in a diverse society and self-advocacy
• Employability skills such as enterprise projects
• Personal and social development skills such as confidence-building, teamwork, healthy living, citizenship, rights and responsibilities.
• Vocational areas such as business and administration, hospitality, sport and leisure and customer services.
- Accessing leisure facilities
- Accessing community facilities such as health services and getting about safely
Personal Care
• Personal hygiene and grooming
• Dressing and undressing
• Hair Care
• Oral Care
• Denture Care
• Skin Care
• Bathing
Option sessions
Options sessions will be delivered by the class teachers/subject leads and learning facilitators. Of the 3 options that have been chosen these will form as part of the pupil’s weekly timetable over 3 lessons.
Throughout the year there will too be 3 options weeks that will solely focus on different industries/hobbies and interests. During these weeks we would look at inviting in different employers and providers of provision to ensure pupils receive a real opportunity to experience the industry. I.E hair and beauty, we may invite in hairdressers and create a salon for the week. The aim of these weeks is to introduce pupils to jobs they may then go on to specialise in post Red Kite. For pupils working at an informal and pre-subject level, this experience may be about exploring their community and the services that would be available to them.