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Red Kite Special Academy

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Careers Information for Parents and Carers

What happens when my child leaves Red Kite Special Academy 

  • It is compulsory for young people to be in education or training until the age of 18.  Scholars can choose options from:
  • a full-time course at a college studying for A levels, a T level or a vocational course
  • learning while they earn on an apprenticeship, traineeship or study programme
  • spending 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training.

The DfE Skills for Careers website sets out the different routes.

Four main post 16 pathways

A levels – Advanced level qualifications (known as A levels) are subject-based qualifications that can lead to university, further study, an apprenticeship or work. You usually study A levels over two years and most students choose three subjects to study. A levels are usually assessed by a series of examinations.

Apprenticeships – An apprenticeship is a paid job where the employee learns and gains valuable experiences. Alongside on-the-job training, apprentices spend at least 20% of their working hours completing classroom-based learning with a college, university or training provider which leads to a nationally recognised qualification.

Vocational Technical Qualifications (eg BTECs or Cambridge Nationals/Technicals) – VTQs are practical qualifications designed to give you the skills and experience you need for a certain job. They might be for you if you have a strong interest in working in a particular industry. There are over 2,000 different subjects available across the different VTQs. Each subject focuses on a specific job or a broad employment area, such as childcare, engineering or IT.

T levels – T levels are new two-year courses equivalent to three A levels. They launched in September 2020 to students in England.  Leading businesses and employers helped design T Levels to help to ensure that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work. T-Levels offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience; this will include a 45-day work placement, so T levels will be more suited to students who know what occupation or industry they want to move into. What are T Levels video – GOV.UK (

Supported internship (if you have an EHCP) – A supported internship is an unpaid work-based study programme.  An internship can help you to make the transition from education to the workplace, while gaining the skills you need.
